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/ PC-SIG: World of Education / PC-SiG's World of Education.iso / run / 1508

Images (1)

Text (10)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
0.pzl Text File 10 50b 1993-09-01
0sintest.mac Text File 146 4KB 1993-09-01
asp.doc Text File 15 798b 1993-09-01
filelist.doc Text File 19 772b 1993-09-01
go.bat DOS Batch File 7 98b 1993-09-01
order.frm Text File 59 2KB 1993-09-01
readme.doc Text File 25 982b 1993-09-01
xysee.hlp Text File 817 21KB 1993-09-01
xysee.ini Text File 1 24b 1993-09-01
xysee.tut Text File 722 17KB 1993-09-01

Other Files (2)
xysee.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 139KB 1993-09-01
xysee.ovr Turbo Pascal Overlay 169KB 1993-09-01